Thursday, January 22, 2009


company: DCA
trainning period: 1 month

This is my very 1st time doing trainning in DCA, apparently there were some video shooting in that month. I would say that i am pretty lucky to enrole a short tiny character in it. :D
its nothing to be proud of... but just happy that i have longer scene than Mun Inn :p (oopsie...jk XD)

I would like to leave a little of my thoughts while training in DCA... Throughout the whole month, i do learnt a lot of things, in sense of architecture(of course), management, draftmanship, psychology technique, powerful office gossips (believe me, there are no secret in the office :p), knowledge beyond architecture, and more... in just 1 month time, it really changes me a lot.
A little contribution i would like to do for DCA here... to all archi friends, if you guys searching for job/trainning, do put DCA in your list, not because it is the top 20 branded firm in malaysia, but the things that you might experience is something that you never knew... :)

David Chan's theory
" The ultimate white, black and grey theory. No much man can really achieve the level of it. for those who does, is who we call God."
check out with him personally if you really wana know how it works. :D